Subject: 07/95 Vampire fish.GIF Author: Kim Reisenbichler Uploaded By: CHansen598 Date: 6/7/1995 File: robis01.GIF (114146 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 452 Needs: GIF Viewer From the July 1995 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Light in the Ocean's Midwaters by Bruce H. Robison This 640 x 247 pixel image depicts how creatures of the midwaters take diverse forms that are adapted to their environment in a variety of ways. In particular, many fishes, squids and gelatinous animals can produce and sense small amounts of light. The role of such illumination is only partly understood, and for many animals it remains a mystery hidden in the ocean's gloomy depths. (Approximate sizes of those shown here are given in parentheses.) Shown here is Vampyroteuthis infernalis (25 centimeters; inverted configuration at right)